Meals on Wheels of Central Indiana considers all applicants eligible to receive services and referrals to our home-delivered meal program as eligible to receive services based on guidelines as set forth by their funding source.

In Marion County and other areas across the state, Meals on Wheels of Central Indiana may, from time to time, be required to place a new Meals on Wheels applicant(s) on a temporary waitlist.

A waitlist is created when the demand for Meals on Wheels services exceeds our organization’s funding capacity or route space availability. This includes all funding sources; e.g. grants, contracts, third-party payers, health partnerships, and financial assistance provided to clients by MOWCI.


Upon receiving a request or referral, the Meals on Wheels staff will inform the applicant if a waitlist is in existence.

If a waitlist exists:

● Applicants will be provided with alternative food resources, including other food insecurity programs, grocery store options, food pantries, food banks, and available home-delivered meal alternatives.
● Qualified applicants will be placed on the Meals on Wheels program based on the date of their request or referral.
● Qualified applicants and referrals are automatically listed as Priority 2. They can be rated as Priority 1 if there is acute medical need.
● Waitlist order then goes Priority 1 by date received then Priority 2 by date received. As openings become available, an assessment will be made to ensure that the next applicant on the waitlist meets the qualifications for Meals on Wheels and any other applicable eligibility guidelines.

An applicant on the waitlist has the right to file a formal written grievance with Meals on Wheels of Central Indiana. A written grievance must be mailed to: 708 East Michigan Street, Indianapolis, IN 46202.

Once on the program, applicants will be assessed quarterly to determine continued eligibility. Eligible persons who are rated as “high nutritional risk” are identified as Priority 1 and will immediately be added to the program upon confirmation of eligibility.

Those eligible persons identified as Priority 2 have moderate nutritional risk are included on an interest list (waitlist) during periods of limited funding. Additionally, these persons are given referrals to alternative community resources and are added to an interest list which may also be referred to as a waitlist.

To ensure individuals with the highest needs are served on an ongoing basis, Meals on Wheels reassesses clients quarterly. If they no longer have qualifying needs, their participation in the program is concluded, and they are referred to other community resources.

Meals on Wheels actively communicates about the number of seniors waiting for services so that prospective donors are aware of unmet needs and can support the program as they may choose.