Connect With Us

Hours Open

Monday 9am – 4pm
Tuesday 9am – 4pm
Wednesday 9am – 4pm
Thursday 9 am – 4pm
Friday 9am – 3:30pm

Mailed Donations

708 E. Michigan Street Indianapolis, IN 46202


p: 317-252-5558
f: 317-252-5559

Observed Holidays (Deliveries Resume the Following Business Day)
New Years Day
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Memorial Day

Juneteenth Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Day

Leave a Message

If we haven’t responded to your email within 72 hours, please call the office number directly. Thank you!

Like us on Facebook

While we do have two Facebook pages, our main page is dedicated to a larger audience of supporters, clients and volunteers which shares updates, events and the latest news. Our Facebook volunteer page is geared towards useful updates and assistance for volunteers.

Follow us on Twitter

Twitter keeps us in the conversation, and we love staying involved with our fellow not-for-profits. Stay involved and please feel free to retweet to help us get our mission out there.

Follow us on Instagram

Instagram allows us to tell our story in a different way; and if an image is worth a thousand words, just imagine the story our staff, clients and volunteers can tell!


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